
- Played around with the visuals. Added a backdrop, centered the text for a cleaner look.

- Added repeating PR event that is slightly randomized, alongside the non-repeating ones that will still be one time only.
- Decreased casino slot odds so you won't be making millions from it anymore (sorry!). You can still win $1,000,000 but the chance has decreased

- Added a 3 second timer to each casino slot pull so you can't click like a madman and make infinite money

- Added a 2 second timer to roulette rolls

- Decreased maximum roulette bet to $250,000 and increased the minimum to $100

- Fixed a bug in Victoria Justice's bootycall scenes

- Fixed the game-breaking bug in PR meetings.

- Finished Kylie's anal bootycall scenes

- Finishes Victoria Justice's bootycall scenes


CelebCYOA Play in browser
Mar 06, 2020


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Please uncenter the text. It is very visually unappealing.

I also liked the black backdrop as well, and I think there should be no limit for the roulette.

I find it quite visually appealing. I'll ask around what people think. If everyone hates it I'll change it back. 

Also, yeah, there should be a limit so people can't go around doubling 20 million and loading save games if they lose :-p